NIA Movement-A Health & Wellness Investment: WELLNESS with WELLS

NIA is Neuromuscular Integrative Action.This workshop is guaranteed to make people feel better. It guides you to move and explore your body and connective tissue in ways that you did not know were possible. It is an excellent program for an annual meeting or for any professional development initiative. It combines several healing modalities including yoga, jazz moves, tai chi, Isadora Duncan and free dance. Duration 1.5 hours, includes pre-moving prep and post moving reflection.

Respectful Workplace : KEY NOTE

Maintaining and creating a respectful workplace is a joint and shared responsibility between the employer and employees. It never means that you have to have group hugs or go to coffee together. A Respectful Workplace Policy ensures that employees know they have rights and responsibilities to work and function in a safe and respectful environment. Do you have a policy? Is it worth the paper it’s written on? Do employees know about it? Do you and your employees know that use of social media on and off duty can attract an investigation under this policy? Sally can deliver programs to employees and to supervisors and managers, company owners, Human Resource Officers and Unions. Programs range from one hour to a full day.  

Carpe Diem/Seize the Day: LIGHT & FUN

This one-hour program is great for a lunch and learn session or a breakfast meeting with your team.It is a celebration of all that is good! It focuses on the positive competencies, the positive abilities and the individual and collective strengths of your team. It is an opportunity to reflect and discover how we can choose to wake up every day and acknowledge our gifts and contribution to our workplace and our communities.

Empowerment & Choice: SELF-REFLECT & TAKE CHARGE

We all have voices in our heads that have shaped our beliefs and our sense of self. This powerful workshop teaches you how to be the author of your own script. It enables you to see another perspective and teaches you how to use the power of choice to have the very best time at work, at home and in your community.

Respectful Workplace/ Harassment Investigations:

Sally conducts investigations that are procedurally fair and objective. She provides a concise and comprehensive report with recommendations under separate cover. Flawed investigations are very costly to your bottom line. An ounce of prevention is truly worth a pound of cure when it comes to iron clad investigations. Good investigations minimize employer risk and liability.


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