
Sally is committed to providing ethical and practical solutions to each and every client without compromising anyone's integrity.  She will engage you in open and honest dialogue up front to assess your best options. Call today!


"Sally knew topic very well. Lots of good real life examples."--  

"Excellent presentation. Sally is an amazing presenter. Knows her stuff!." --  

"It's amazing how you took a "not so warm and fuzzy" topic and left the staff energized and yet mindful with the Respectful Workplace Policy". --

  • Are you seeking a workshop on conflict resolution?
  • Do you know how to prepare for a difficult conversation?
  • Do your employees know their obligations and responsibilities? 
  • Are you spending time and money on lost productivity in managing workplace harassment?
  • Would you like a one on one guided conversation with Sally to evaluate your options in important decisions?

Contact Sally today. She is here to help you create a more respectful and productive team.

Services & Workshops:

 Respectful Workplace (customized) Legal Obligations-Employee Responsibilities
 Workplace Harassment Investigations Following due process-Airtight Investigations
 Mediation Skills Workshops Levels 1 & 2 with certificate on completion
 Guided Conversations Moving towards Resolution with guidance
 Conducting Workplace Harassment Investigations 
 Three day workshop skills based

Sally is known for her practical approach to resolving workplace conflict, especially in her assessment and evaluation of the appropriate intervention process.


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